Message from the Chief Information Officer, Kellie Campbell (5/9/22)

Regarding upcoming IT cyber-security changes:

As part of our discovery efforts in the Information Technology area, one specific service area that has surfaced as a priority for us is around information/technology security initiatives. As an outcome of COVID, in addition to the current cyber market, we need to ensure we are implementing solutions to keep the Vermont State Colleges System as safe as possible. I will be working with IT teams across the system to level up priority projects and efforts. On the horizon are a few key initiatives, including implementing a multi-factor authentication (MFA) system.  You will be hearing more about these initiatives very soon. I want to make our community aware of their importance and I appreciate your attentiveness to them. We all play a critical role in keeping our system safe and you are always welcome to send emails or questions of concern to the VSC Cyber Security Team at: