Spotlight: Complementary Roles & Workforce Development System-wide

Vermont Governor’s Office and VSC Board of Trustees have both identified workforce development as one their top priorities. To meet this aim and to best serve our students while doing so, the Vermont State College System has the following leaders:

  • Vermont State College System: Patricia Moulton, Executive Director of Workforce Development
  • The Community College of Vermont: Tiffany Walker, Associate Dean of Workforce Education
  • Vermont State University: Jayshree Bhat, Associate Vice President of Workforce, Community, and Economic Development

While all of our institutions have provided some workforce development in the past, this work has largely been handled in silos or on the periphery of operations. One of the Executive Director’s responsibilities will be to ensure that the two remaining VSC institutions are not competing or working at cross-purposes to each other with respect to workforce development. In this role, Pat, who has led the workforce transformation team over the past year, will be focused on elevating and expanding the delivery of workforce development programs across the entire system. She will work closely with the workforce leaders at both VTSU and CCV to identify and bring potential opportunities and partnerships to the two institutions. Pat will also be representing the VSC on workforce-related boards and committees, providing legislative testimony, seek workforce related grants, soliciting employer feedback as to their employee needs, and generally representing the VSC to employers state-wide.

Workforce development at CCV is fully embedded, taking place across all campuses. Associate Dean of Workforce Education Tiffany Walker has been in her role at CCV for 15 years. With 80% of CCV students also being employed while they are in college, the connections made internally and externally meet the needs and opportunities that arise from this. Tiffany’s position manages the large workforce grants that the college receives. She also helps manage the internal workforce efforts, which includes business outreach, project managers, and supports for assisting students with disabilities with workforce development. She works externally with state-wide partners, such as the Vermont Department of Labor.

Associate Vice President of Workforce, Community, and Economic Development is a new position that is part of the VTSU leadership. In addition to implementing these workforce projects at VTSU, AVP Jayshree Bhat will be responsible for working with faculty to develop and embed industry-relevant micro-credentials in all degree paths to increase career readiness. She will also facilitate the development of community engaged scholarship and learning opportunities for faculty, students, and community partners to co-envision solutions to local problems. This transforms rural communities, enhances student affiliation and attachment to local community, and improves student retention. 

The transformation of VSCS’ workforce development will create a “no wrong door” structure for learners. Programs may remain separate, but learners who enter them will be able to move throughout the system to access what they need. CCV is also working to set learners up for success should they transfer to VTSU after finishing their studies at CCV, and closer collaboration will help students succeed. Vermont is a unique state where 90% of businesses are small businesses who want to work collaboratively with community partners. This requires a higher level of outreach that workforce leaders will ensure happens.

We will continue to evaluate and assess what is working and what is not and adjust as needed to ensure we are meeting the Board’s and the state’s workforce goals for the system. In addition, the Board of Trustees will receive regular updates on the VSCS’s workforce development progress.  These will be publicly available.