Transformation Team Structure Changes to be Implemented this Month

Back in June, we communicated about changes that were coming to the structures of the transformation teams. The shift is being made to align the core team structure with the leadership structure of the new university, as well as the leadership of system-wide work. The new list of core teams will be as follows: New Student Experience, Student Success, Academic Programs, Administrative Operations, and Workforce Development.

The sub-teams and project teams that are currently under Student Experience will be moved to New Student Experience, Student Success, or Academic Programing. The Academic Operations sub-teams and project teams will be realigned to fall under either Student Success or Academic Programs.

The work to transfer the teams into this structure will finish this month, now that the VP of Student Success, Kelley Beckwith, has been appointed. Kelley will be heading the Student Success core team, while Maurice Ouimet, as VP of Admissions & Enrollment Services, will head New Student Experience, and Nolan Atkins, VP of Academic Affairs/Provost, will head Academic Programs.

The role of the sponsors and stakeholders is to meet with the teams and provide input. The sponsors and stakeholders will continue to do so under this revised model but with some slight changes. They will be split into two groups. The work of New Student Experience, Student Success, and Academic Programs primarily supports Vermont State University, with President Grewal serving as the key sponsor. The Council of Presidents will continue to serve as the key sponsor for Administrative Operations and Workforce Development, as these teams are involved in transformation work that affects the whole Vermont State Colleges System.

This will be the last newsletter update with the previous four team structure. Starting September 26 and going forward, updates will be provided in the new five team structure.

Transformation Team Structure graphic with the new structure. it shows that new student experience, student success, and academic programs are under VTSU stakeholders that are under the sponsor, VTSU president. The sub teams under new student experience are 1 admissions and enrollment, 2 brand launch and marketing, 3 financial aid operations. the sub teams under student success are 1 athletics, 2 students and residence life, 3 advising academic support and ADA, 4 career service. the sub teams under Academic programs are 1 program optimization/governance, 2 general education, 3 institutional research, 4 teaching and learning innovation, 5 registrar and scheduling operations.