Student Experience Team Update (8/15/22)

You can tell that autumn is right around the corner as our campuses gear up for the beginning of the semester. Fall athletes and student orientation staff are coming back and next week marks the beginning of new students arriving on campus for orientation! It is so exciting to see our campuses coming alive for this new academic year and it reminds us all why we do what we do to contribute to our students’ success!

Speaking of exciting things, the admissions team has been out visiting our campuses to see first-hand what each location has to offer. To date, the team has traveled to Castleton, Killington, Lyndon and Johnson. Randolph and Williston are up next in the upcoming couple of weeks. We would like to thank all the faculty, staff, and students who contributed to making these visits a success. In the following weeks, admissions will be finalizing the incoming class for this fall and will be hitting the road to recruit the inaugural incoming class of Vermont State University students for Fall 2023.

The financial aid team is working hard to help new and returning students navigate the process of securing their aid as we approach the beginning of the semester. Like admissions, financial aid folks across the campuses are gearing up to operate as a single team going forward. Every member of the financial aid staff at CU, NVU, and VTC is involved in transformation at this point. The great work to date of the financial aid experience team in the past year is now being interwoven in the new system designs and everyday business processes which will result in a more efficient and improved experience for students.

picture of a standing poster used for events. It has the vermont state university logo at the top, a picture of different hands coming together in the middle, and text below. each word of the text is a different color so a sentence could be made using any combination. in white, the first word says Better and the last word, also in white, says Together. other words are stronger, smarter, fitter, happier, braver, wiser, closer.