Transformation Update to Board of Trustees

On June 16, 2022, the Board of Trustees met in-person on the Castleton Campus. During the meeting they were provided with an update covering the first year of Transformation and preparing for the next stage. Major areas of progress include:

  • The announcement of the leadership organizational structure for Vermont State University which was informed by the Transformation discovery and design work.
  • The status of the transformation teams. Most Student Experience and Academic Operations teams have completed the design stage and are moving into development. Administrative Operations teams have completed discovery and have moved onto business process review and design work as part of the design stage. Workforce Development is completing discovery and will work with sponsors to clarify the vision and develop strategies for design.
  • Significant systems projects (Slate and Colleague) are underway, while others are being scoped and prioritized to support university launch and operations. The DEI Data Project is informing this work and has created an inventory of values listed in the most key systems.

Below is an updated timeline detailing key milestones and the status of the teams.

graphic of the transformation projects timeline. along the top it is broken up into the academic year. Listed are AY 2021-2022, AY 2022-2023, AY 2023-2024, AY 2024-2025. Along the bottom every third  month is listed. right now the timeline indicates that the projects are in the beginning of AY 2022-2023 in mid-June. The projects listed on the timeline are broken into four groups and the project are in one of five stages: 1 discovery, 2 design, 3 development, 4 launch, 5 review. The first group is student experience in green. Project brand launch/marketing is currently in the beginning of stage 4 launch. project admissions are currently in the end of stage 3 development. project financial aid is in the beginning of stage 3 development. project registrar is at the end of stage 2 design. project athletic/fitness is currently at the end of stage 2 design. project student/residence life is currently in the end of stage 2 design. the second group is academic operations in blue. project academic programs/scheduling/catalog is currently in the beginning of stage 3 development. project advising/academic support/ADA/career development is currently in the end of stage 2 design. project teaching and learning innovation are currently piloting face to face and is in the very beginning of doing so in stage 3 development. projects library and general education/connections are both in the end of stage 2 design. group three is administrative operations in maroon. Its projects IT and facilities  and operations/processing are all at the very end of stage 2 design and just starting stage 3 development. the other three projects are business planning/administration, employee services, and alumni/development are all in the middle of stage 2 design. group four is workforce development and all three of its projects are just finishing stage one discovery and beginning stage 2 design. Its three projects are 1 communication/engagement/customer development, 2 systems improvement and integration, and 3 program development and student services.