Transformation is a Vermont State Colleges System-wide undertaking to better serve Vermont’s learners, as well as achieve financial sustainability for the system. Creating Vermont State University is only one piece of the multi-year transformation project. The other two pieces involve administrative consolidation and improvement of back end systems and processes, as well as the creation of a unit dedicated to workforce development. The system will remain and the institutions that will be a part of it will be Vermont State University and the Community College of Vermont.

The system wide work is focused on two areas: Administrative Operations and Workforce Development. These two areas have their own transformation teams and goals. CCV has been leading the way in meeting the needs of learners in an accessible and affordable way, which is a goal system wide. The work between the two institutions are central to creating a student focused experience for every learner in the system.
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Administrative Operations
The purpose of this team is to define the administrative services, processes, and systems to support the institutions of the VSCS (VTSU and CCV) in their mission to serve current and future students, their communities, and the state in a way that builds the foundation for an inclusive and sustainable future for higher education in Vermont.
The sub-teams engaged in this work are each focused on a specific area of operations:
- Business Planning and Administration
- Operations and Processing
- IT Services
- Alumni/Development
- Facilities Planning
- Employee Relations & Services
Read more about these teams and their membership.
Shared Services
Part of transformation includes improving VSCS’s part in Vermont’s workforce development, as well as improving administrative functions through consolidation. This is being done through creating a shared service model for key departments: IT, HR, Finance and Compliance, and Libraries. More information on shared services can be found on a separate page on the Transformation site.

Workforce Development
By bringing the Community College of Vermont and the new Vermont State University into alignment, the transformation of VSCS’ workforce development will create a “no wrong door” structure for learners. Programs may remain separate, but learners who enter them will be able to move throughout the system to access what they need. This will best support learners, employers, and the community seeking courses, continuing education, licensure, industry recognized credentials, customized training, and solutions to critical workforce needs in Vermont with an emphasis on addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion objectives.